"Teresa & Maria"
— gesungen von Jerry Heil , Alyona Alyona
"Teresa & Maria" ist ein Lied, das auf ukrainisch aufgeführt wurde und auf 04 kann 2024 auf dem offiziellen Kanal des Plattenlabels veröffentlicht wurde - "Jerry Heil & Alyona Alyona". Entdecken Sie exklusive Informationen zu "Teresa & Maria". Finden Sie den Songtext von Teresa & Maria, Übersetzungen und Songfakten. Einnahmen und Nettovermögen werden gemäß einer im Internet gefundenen Information durch Sponsoring und andere Quellen angesammelt. Wie oft erschien der Song „Teresa & Maria“ in zusammengestellten Musikcharts? "Teresa & Maria" ist ein bekanntes Musikvideo, das Platzierungen in beliebten Top-Charts wie den Top 100 Ukraine-Songs, den Top 40 ukrainisch-Songs und mehr belegte.
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"Teresa & Maria" Fakten
"Teresa & Maria" hat insgesamt 15.4M Aufrufe und 93.9K Likes auf YouTube erreicht.
Der Song wurde am 04/05/2024 eingereicht und verbrachte 37 Wochen in den Charts.
Der ursprüngliche Name des Musikvideos lautet „ALYONA ALYONA & JERRY HEIL - TERESA & MARIA | EUROVISION 2024 | SOCIAL VIDEO“.
"Teresa & Maria" wurde auf Youtube unter 03/05/2024 15:05:41 veröffentlicht.
"Teresa & Maria" Text, Komponisten, Plattenfirma
alyona alyona x Jerry Heil представляють соціальне відео на пісню "Teresa & Maria".
Світ на її плечах - такий меседж вклали співачки у дану роботу. У відео взяли участь українські жінки, які щоденно проходять тернистий шлях. Через біль, радість, сльози, сміх, розчарування. Ми всі об'єднані та прагнемо почути, які жінки надихають вас та дають змогу повірити у завтрашній день, навіть коли здається, що завтра вже не настане.
Розповідайте історії жінок, про яких повинен знати весь світ.
Робіть дописи у соціальних мережах!
Додавайте хештеги: #WorldOnHerShoulders / #СвітНаїїПлечах
Дякуємо партнерам, які доєдналися до соціального відео та благодійного збору. Нагадаємо, alyona alyona & Jerry Heil за підтримки Ощадбанк, Visa, UNITED24 розпочали кампанію “Мій голос відбудовує” - збір коштів для відновлення гімназії (с. Велика Костромка, область).
Донатити можна тут:
alyona alyona x Jerry Heil present a social video for the song "Teresa & Maria".
The world is on her shoulders - this is the message the singers put into this
;Ukrainian women who walk a thorny path every day took part in this
;Through pain, joy, tears, laughter,
;We are all united and eager to hear from you about the women who inspire you and make you believe in tomorrow, even when it seems like tomorrow will never
Tell the stories of women the whole world should know
Make a post on social networks!
Add hashtags: #WorldOnHerShoulders / #СвітНаЇїПлечах
Special thanks to the partners who have joined the social video and the charity
;As a reminder, alyona alyona & Jerry Heil, with the support of Oschadbank, Visa and UNITED24 have started the campaign "Unlock the future for children" to raise funds for rebuilding of the Velykokostromska school (Velyka Kostroma village, Dnipro region).
You can donate here:
Stories of women from the social video who are changing Ukraine and inspiring others:
Lyudmila Taranovych - At the beginning of the Great War, the village of Velyka Kostromka suffered almost daily from artillery shelling by the Russian army from the temporarily occupied territory of the neighboring Kherson region.
Tetiana Magda - In 2022, Russian troops stopped 4 kilometers from the village of Velyka Kostromka, and then daily shelling
;In October, a rocket hit the Velyka Kostromka gymnasium, having completely destroyed part of the
;Tetyana Magda, a teacher's assistant who helps in the education of children with special educational needs, together with teachers and residents of the village saved everything valuable that could be saved
Iryna, callsign iSky, is a soldier of the 59th OMPBr named after Yakov Handziuk and an
;Since March 2022, she has been traveling to frontline positions to film crimes committed by the Russian
Karina Stashchyshchak is a
;Despite the amputation of her leg and new realities with a prosthesis, she did not stop and kept
;She took part in many TV concerts and danced during Sam Ryder's performance at Eurovision 2023.
Olena Herasymiuk is a famous Ukrainian writer, the author of the books "Deafness", "Shooting Calendar", "Prison Song". Paramedic of the volunteer medical battalion "Hospitaliers".
Anna Andriyko is a volunteer who met the war under Grad systems in the Kyiv
;Together with volunteers, she evacuated people from Chernihiv region and Donetsk
Oleksandra Matviychuk is a Ukrainian human rights defender, head of the Center for Civil Liberties organization, who received the 2022 Nobel Peace
Tetiana Vyshniak is the one who does not give up and waits for her son from Russian
;A prisoner of war of the "Azov" regiment defended Mariupol and fell into a cauldron called "Azovstal Plant".
Maria Doroshenko is a volunteer who is constantly in the frontline zones and helps with everything necessary to the defenders of Ukraine and starts fund
Yulia Simacheva is a resident of the occupied city of Mariupol, from where she managed to escape through a gray zone and a large number of
;Engaged in helping displaced people, helped people in occupied
;She creates social projects to help military personnel, immigrants and children whose parents died in the
;She is also the founder of the HELPMARIUPOL information chat.
Valeriya Gukova - A primary school teacher, three weeks after the start of the full-scale invasion, she has decided to return to teaching, because she saw that children needed something familiar and stable in the terrible conditions of
Svitlana Popova - During the occupation of Borodyanka, the Russians fired from a tank at the house of mathematics teacher Svitlana Popova.